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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

A Little Dream Book for You... "Dreamus Aliveus"

In 1999 I finished a book called, "Dreamus Aliveus," which integrated about 25 years of experience in dreaming, studying dreams, and working with the dreams of others. The 2nd edition sold out in 2003. While it is now out of print, I have now transferred the book pages to PDF format so I can send "Dreamus Aliveus" as an eBook in 24 brief sections and over 120 pages.

For those who would like a copy, I am offering it to anyone reading this page. While I am not charging a set price for sending the eBook, I would appreciate and accept any donations you choose to send through the info in left sidebar of this webpage. This will help support my writing and coaching and dreamwork habits since social security does not go very far... and you are not required or expected to donate to receive the "Dreamus Aliveus" eBook

The eBook comes in 24 brief sections including sections on:
  • Discovering Dreaming
  • Assumptions about Dreams
  • Remembering Dreams
  • Exploring Meaning
  • Dream Symbols
  • Dream Examples
  • The Dreamtime 'You'
  • Agony and Ecstasy in Dreaming
  • Training the Dream Crew
  • Incubating Dreams
  • Dreaming and Consciousness
  • Personal and Spiritual Synthesis
  • Dreaming in Healing
  • Feminine and Masculine in Dreams
  • The Merge Urge - Synthesis
  • Groups and Journaling
  • A Case Study
  • Bibliography
  • ...and more
If you wish to receive a copy of the eBook, send your request to me at and I'll email it to you as attachments you can download and save. Offer good through January 15, 2013.

Happy dreaming!
with Love and Blessings to you.... John

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Example of exploring dream meanings

Example of a Dream "Rewrite" – Extracting Dream Meanings

Let’s take a dream apart and put it back together as one way of mining the gold of possibilities of the dream’s meaning for me the dreamer. You may see the original dream and notes at Sundance Dream Hutch blog on the following webpage:  

I have chosen to take many key words and phrases from the dream journey as I recorded it and use them as screens to project and reflect upon. This particular example is a rather long involved process and I am hopeful that this gives one example of how we can gain insight into the dreamscape.  I suggest you first reread the original dream recording at the link above, then if you wish to skip the details of my projections in the list below, scroll down to the end of the list and you will there find the “Rewrite” of the dream journey.

Key words/phrases from the dream and my projections and associations:

·        Supposed to be here – in the right place, on schedule, according to ‘plan’

·        Home or office – familiar place, place of purpose

·        Guide/therapist – an aspect or entity who is caring and useful in helping in transitions, growth, and self-development, someone who knows the territory

·        Planning – I am expecting and anticipating some actions

·        Sessions – times to work on some areas for growth; working together

·        Main male guide – aspect or entity who is the most advance teacher and guide

·        Lives here – an internal aspect with the place I now am in, the larger psyche of mind of consciousness

·        work on fixing some signage near the entry door – changing an existing label or identity where we enter to the inside of this space of growth and learning

·        number “1” – refers to single, unity, oneness, primary, individual

·        bending it over – bowing downward

·        no longer visible – invisible

·        the number before I changed things was 1000 or 10.00 – much higher number, by removing the “1” it becomes essentially nothing, zero

·        not sure – uncertainty, beyond knowing

·        lot of stuff around – a bit of chaos

·        being shifted and moved around – transition, change is happening

·        sort through – attempt to organize and see what is needed, categorize

·        find some clothes of a woman I knew – noticing evidence of feminine energies that are familiar to me

·        place them in a bag as if to wash later – Set aside to clean at some point

·         woman enters and we talk a bit – feminine aspect is present and communicating directly

·        she is related in some way also to the main male guide or owner... perhaps his mate –Masculine guiding energies and feminine are related or mated

·        she knows me – I am known

·        issue with 'self- inherent' – the inherent ‘Self’, defining an issue, feminine asks and point to issue, the “self” as  an essential aspect  of identity

·        not sure exactly what she means – uncertain of meaning

·        I think it has to do with self-worth or esteem issues – my egoic mind projects it as possible negative low self worth, etc

·        seated and talking – relaxed and communication

·        old tub with a pump – a place to clean ourselves and in the case of a Jacuzzi, to also relax

·        I notice it is not hooked up and simply looks like an antique tub with four 'feet' – not an option, something no longer works, old mode of cleansing

·        the main male guide is listening to all we had said – nothing goes unnoticed by my inner guide aspect

·        and I figure – again trying to figure out system

·        monitoring everything that is going on from a different level – unseen dynamic aspect that hears and records it all

·        main guide fellow is standing in the doorway – invisible masculine guide aspect  makes himself apparent and visible

·        the woman is beside him – masculine and feminine guiding entities/aspects are together

·        he talks – masculine is communicating

·        6-8 people around a table – group presence at a common meeting place

·        dressed in robes – not yet dressed for the day, or maybe they are like religious garb, although appeared more as pre-dressing robes like one might wear after just arising

·        breakfast Danish – it was just after awakening; morning treats [the word “Danish” may have been leftover from movie that included Holland and Dutch language last night], there were various types of breakfast treats, such as sticky buns, croissants, and other pastries

·        introduce themselves – getting to know other entities and aspects, appears as new energies/entities coming together

·        equally mixed group of good looking males and females – number of cooperating masculine and feminine energies/aspects

·        who I may know but do not recognize – intuitively know with actual recognition

·        still separate from them – not as yet integrated

·        I have gone back to sleep –not really asleep even though it appears so

·        so I open my eyes and say, "no, I am awake” – open to seeing and proclaim I am here and conscious

·        make close eye contact with several of the people at the table – connecting with the new entities/aspects

·        go to get something to put on from my bag of clothes since I realize I am only wearing underpants – looking for new way to be in the world and cover myself
  • sleeveless green shirt – heart energy with opennes

And next we can take the associations and projections and place them back into the dream… a ”rewrite” of sorts that may bring some new light to the present dynamics of the dreamtime message:

Dream Rewrite:

“I'm in the right place, on schedule, according to ‘plan’ and it seems to be a familiar and safe place, a place of purpose of an important  aspect or entity who is caring and useful in helping in transitions, growth, and self-development, a helper who knows the territory…

It seems I am expecting and anticipating some actions …to spend time to work on some areas for growth; working together here and the last one would be with the aspect or entity who is the most advance teacher and guide who is an internal aspect with the place I now am in, the larger psyche of mind… of consciousness…

... I am planning on meeting some others and doing sessions with them as me as the guide... before going in, since I am early, I am changing an existing label or identity where we enter to the inside of this space of growth and learning and change something that was single, a unit, oneness, primary, individual …by bowing downward it becomes invisible... it was a much higher number, by changing it, it becomes essentially nothing, zero… so there is uncertainty exactly why I changed it... but I trust the process…

I go inside and there is a bit of a mess and chaos as if things are in transition and going through changes... I begin trying to organize and make some sense of things and see evidence of feminine energies that are familiar to me… and set the evidence aside to clean at a later time…

Then the known feminine energy appears and we are communicating… and I even point out the change to the ‘label’ or sign that made to the feminine aspect within…  I realize this feminine energy is also related or mated to the masculine guiding energy within… and I am know to this feminine aspect…  she asks me: "is there an issue related to Self, the essential Self?... and I answer, "yes"... although still uncertain of what it all means … and my ego mind quickly assumes it means something negative like low sense of worth…

I am now comfortable and communicating with the feminine aspect, and notice an old way of cleansing and relaxing and wonder aloud if it still works and I am informed it no longer is relevant, like an outdated antique...  I then realize that the advanced masculine guiding aspect has been aware and present all along at a level or dimension of which I was unaware… and everything has always been monitored…

As I have become aware of this, the masculine guiding energy has become more conscious and visible…entering the same realm of consciousness… along with the feminine aspect…and the masculine guide begins communicating now as well… I am now aware that there are 6-8 entities or energies meeting together that have just awakened and are beginning to receive special treats for nourishment … the masculine guide suggests they get to know one another , this group of mixed male and female energies which are all positive and attractive .. And although I do not specifically recognize them, they seem like they are also in the right place now…They are still apart from me and the masculine guide suggests I am losing consciousness again… I become aware and awake again and make contact with the other emerging energies gathered together… I realize I am exposed and find some open heart energy to cover me… and then leave to respond to some external noise and wake again in my bed…

John Hutchinson - Dec 22, 2012
Sundance Dream Hutch Blog

Again, you may see the original dream and notes at Sundance Dream Hutch blog on the following webpage:  


Beyond my egoic plans...

Last night I visited a new space in dreamtime...

I'm supposed to be here and it seems to be the office and home of an important guide or therapist of sorts... It seems I am planning to do several sessions here and the last one would be with the main male guide who lives here... I am planning on meeting some others and doing sessions with them as me as the guide... before going in... since I am was early... I work on fixing some signage near the entry door and shift a number "1" by bending it over so it is no longer visible... the number before I changed things was 1000 or 10.00... so not sure exactly why I changed it... I enter and there is a lot of stuff around as if things are being shifted and moved around... I sort through things and find some clothes of a woman I knew on the floor and place them in a bag as if to wash later...

Then the woman enters and we talk a bit... I think she is related in some way also to the main male guide or owner... perhaps his mate... and she knows me... she asks me: "is there was an issue with 'self- inherent'?... and I answer, "yes"... although not sure exactly what she means except I think it has to do with self-worth or esteem issues. 

As we are now seated and talking, I notice an old tub with a pump of sorts in it and ask her if "the jacuzzi works"... she says, "no" and then I notice it is not hooked up and simply looks like an antique tub with four 'feet'... It becomes apparent that the main guide is listening to all we had said and I figure he must have a special system and is monitoring everything that is going on from a different level...

Now the main guide fellow is standing in the doorway and the woman is beside him... he talks and there are now 6-8 people around a table dressed in robes having some breakfast danish... He asks them to introduce themselves... it seems that they are a equally mixed group of good looking males and females, who I may know but do not recognize... I am still separate from them and the 'male guide' notes that I have gone back to sleep... and so I open my eyes and say, "no, I am awake" and then I make close eye contact with several of the people at the table as I go to get something to put on from my bag of clothes since I realize I am only wearing underpants... I pick out a sleeveless green shirt and slip it on over my head...

Notes: it seems some important transition dynamics are occurring... as I am open to the present moment... I did become aware that I was doing my best to plan and sort and then different things happened anyway... kind of like life were we think we know what is going to happen and then, 'voila,' something else occurs!
... the issue of "self-inherent" may point more to the inherent nature of "self" rather than a negative interpretation about negative self talk which is my overlay some of the time... As I look for some relaxation and peace in something antique I discover it is no longer useful... and of course there IS a new awakening in the dream that takes the inner guide to point out that I appear to be going back to sleep... the group is a new group in their robes as if just waking up as well... we are being introduced... Although, this journey was ended by some external noise calling me back to my waking body, I must assume there is always more and there are good messages in this much of the night travels... the "inherent" Self is orchestrating some new groups activities... and I will be attentive to what they may be... for now, waking up again seems the most important...
.... and I'm sure there is more.... You thoughts and comments are invited... do you get any other 'hits' from this dreamtime journey??

Update NOTE: To see an example of exploring dream meanings using projections, associations, and dream rewrite with this particular dream, visit: ...
John Hutchinson - Dec 22, 2012
Sundance Dream Hutch Blog

I also invite you to share your dreams and let me know if I can use them in the Sundance Dream Hutch Blog [anonymously of course, if you wish]...

Monday, December 3, 2012

Magical Dream example...

A. Nonymous submitted some dream notes and wished for my reflections on them... I share this, with permission, as one example of how I comment and reflect on dreams. My comments of course are my projections and reflections much as if they were my dreams... The dreamer is the one who decides if it makes sense and is the final authority on his or her dream...
From A. Nonymous' notes at the time:
"I am aware that I am riding a dolphin through the ocean, diving and surfacing. I feel the water and the rough sleekness of the dolphin while holding his fin. We dive to the ocean floor and he is picking up something from the ocean floor. As to takes me back to shore, into the shallow waters, he tosses the object to me - I catch it and see that it is a red purse."
JH: I am involved and also observing... I am being taken into the vast expanse of consciousness by the dolphin, a natural guide to this somewhat unconscious area. I am taken along for the ride and yet it is for a purpose and some object that contains valuable energies or other things is retrieved and presented to me...
"From the shore I am walking towards a beautiful stand of trees. As I approach closer, I see a path leading through the forest and I am walking along the path which is also following a bubbling river. I see a stone bench next to the bend in the river and sit on the bench, dangling my feet, feeling the breeze and sunshine on my face. Suddenly an eagle circles and lands on the bench next to me and drops a stick-like object on the stone bench and flies off again."
JH: I am in a natural setting and notice the beauty and a path ahead... along with life's flowing stream of bubbly energies... I am here is this solid place to relax and take it all in and am being visited by the messenger of Great Spirit ... and am presented with a second gift... could this be a magic wand of some sort?
"I am again on the path when I see a Sphinx sitting in the path. As I approach I realize it is actually a lion. He crouches and I mount onto his back and we are traveling through the woods. I am standing on the path again, watching the lion disappear and I look down and I am holding a crystal orb."
JH: I am again moving forward and there is a Sphinx just ahead. Then I realize it is alive and is a lion. He makes himself available for me to ride and so I do... and together we are traveling through the natural setting... Now I stand alone on the path again my lion friend disappears and yet it seems I have a 3rd gift of a crystal globe... perhaps symbolizing a completeness or wholeness... and that the answers are contained within as if allowing the crystal ball to be a focus for opening to our expanded 'mind'...

These could be classic fairy tales that convey a deep spiritual message... several points I might suggest: What associations or meaning come to you regarding the following:
  • Ocean
  • Dolphin
  • Underwater
  • Red Purse
  • Forest
  • Path
  • Eagle
  • Stick-like object
  • Sphinx
  • Lion
  • Crystal Orb

Of course some of my projects and associations come through in my reflections above...but it is your dream... also it is good to see what you were feeling in each scene... I get the sense from the descriptions that the whole dream was rather positive... and all seem to be rather powerful and majestic animal totems and energies... might want to research some of the tradition meanings of the animals in native American and other teachings... Also what significance is the Sphinx for you...

May want to do some imagery meditation around the red purse, what of value might be inside... what does red signify... to me it brings up root chakra and something about assertion and power... There is definitely much spiritual power in all the images, if it were my dream... what is it that is opening in you... and the crystal ball may be a new ability being shown to you... are you open to using the powers and gifts that Spirit brings into your life?....just a few thoughts.... I could go on, but this gives you something to work with I hope...
"I remember thinking at the time that the dream reminded me of a meditation I had participated in previously and thought perhaps I was just recalling that memory in my dream."
JH: Meditations and guided visualizations can be much like dream states and the energies elicited can of course carry over since all consciousness is energy and interconnected...
"For several months I was unable to recall dreams at all. Recently I have started waking myself up and trying to make sense of my dream, but most are far more disjointed and bizarre than this one was. I had made a note in my journal to try and find out what it all meant."
JH: I have found that many dreams are rather disjointed and anything can occur. I assume that our higher Self is trying to get some unknown information through to our conscious mind and past our ego defenses... that is why the dreams are often in symbols... so we need to look at what those symbols mean to us and also pay attention to the energies, dynamics and feelings that are present in the dream... then see if there are similar dynamics in our waking life....
Here we have some very special scenes being shared with us. They are probably just as real or more so than the thoughts we attach to them. The magic is in the fact that the wider world of "Mind," most of it unconscious to us, has purpose and direction and moves us toward synthesis and wholeness as a natural part of the process. SO, when we say, "Trust the process," we are referring to this magical mystery tour de force.
Comments by John Hutchinson - - Sundance Dream Hutch Blog -Dec. 3, 2012

Connecting with the spirit of the baby...


Connecting with the spirit of babies...
I recall a number of years ago, Caroline Myss saying how she worked with women who were contemplating terminating a pregnancy. She would suggest that they communicate with the fetus whether in imagery, talking, or writing... and listen for what the baby responds. The same communication was suggested in the grieving process if a fetus or baby stopped living in our world. I was reminded of this after receiving the following emails from Christine Nightingale and send a long gratitude for sharing and for the service she provides.
From Christine Nightingale [Dec. 3, 2012; with permission]:
"Hi John, I enjoyed your blog re: dreams.

When working with clients who have lost a pregnancy, I encourage them to connect with the spirit of the baby in lucid dreams. Some have managed to do so. When I was pregnant with my first son he appeared to me as a little boy running in a field toward me. So I find it is helpful for clients to know that the spirit of a child is still available for them to communicate with, and when they have gone through whatever process of healing is required, this same spirit may come back to them. I am always happy to hear when this has happened.

I believe that dreams are very powerful guides as to what one is supposed to do. Past life dreams came to me when I was a toddler... and I encourage clients to understand that when they have a nocturnal visit from a deceased relative with a particular message, pay attention!
You know the three main rules for life (anonymous) up, pay attention, ask questions!
I think they are as relevant in the dream state as in the waking state.

Love and light,

Again with permission on Dec. 3, 2012:
"Hi John,

I had just asked my guides to send me someone who needed help with contacting a spirit baby, when I got your reply... :)

I would be happy to have you publish my comments in the blog... and I am always happy to hear from new fact most of my clients are by email.

While we were talking about this, you mentioned terminations. i have worked with dozens of spirit babies. Spirit babies who have been terminated always tell me that they love their mothers and are not angry. There is no reason for the mothers to feel guilt. They often say only, do you want me now? If so, they say they will return as soon as possible.

Since the spirit baby chooses the mother(and sometimes the father, sometimes the combination) they may stay for decades. if the mother is menopausal, they may move on to a younger family member as their mother.

One client who was about 50 and had had two terminations (she had come in for Reiki) learned that the twin baby girls of her nephew were the same spirits of the babies she would have had. And they were very emotionally attached to her, and she to them.

Speaking of dreams/trances etc....when I speak with spirit babies i am aware of being in a light trance state... information and dialogue flows through me. In this state I access the guides and angels who are involved with the participants and issue...including deceased grandparents who may be caring for the spirit baby .i believe that what i do in an altered (trance )state serves a similar purpose to what most people can achieve in their dream state, if they are paying attention!

Love and light, Christine"

So...Expect the unexpected... may Loving Kindness be our Guide... and welcome to NOW!
John Hutchinson - Denver, CO

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~ Rumi


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