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Sunday, July 14, 2013

You Must Be Dreaming! - Sundance Center Services

You Must Be Dreaming!

Sundance Center Services provides opportunities to learn and grow from our dream messages and symbols.

Remembering dreams is aided by having a reason to do so. Sleep research has shown that even those who insist they do not dream, may recall vivid dreams when their sleep is interrupted during specific sleep cycles [REM - rapid eye movement].

Once there is a method to look at dreams, new clients often magically begin to have dream recall. You, the dreamer, are always the final authority of what your dreams mean. John simply guides you to ways of exploring and tending the richness of your dreams. Any suggestions from others are mere projections and it is up to you to accept or not accept the  ideas shared about your dreams.

John has over 35 years of experience in personal and professional dream work, studies, dream workshops, and includes the self-published booklet: "Dreamus Aliveus". He has studied Jungian dreamwork with analysts who were students of Jung and has been in workshops with Jeremy Taylor. John continues to record and study his own dreams as messages from the unconscious wisdom within. A blog "Sundance Dream Hutch" at provides some information about dream work and also shares reported dreams from John and others [anonymously and by permission].

Fees for service*:

Work with Individuals:
  • One Free initial consultation; 
  • Monthly retainer for up to 10 dreams per month:
    Sliding Scale: $450-$250;
  • Individual email or 1-hour consult:
    Sliding Scale: $100-$45;

In-Person Work with Groups:
  • 60-90 minute Introductory Talk and discussion:
    Sliding Scale: $10-$5/person
  • Half-day workshop:
    Sliding Scale: $75-$55/person
  • Full-day workshop:
    Sliding Scale: $200-$125/person
  • Week-end or 2-day workshop:
    Sliding Scale: $400-$300

Workshops will provide time to demonstrate how to process your dreams in a dream group setting. If possible it is good to bring some current dreams to the workshops experience. There will also be times for working is small groups and one-on-one consults with the workshop facilitator.
When out-of-town travel is involved, special fees or participation requirements may be necessary to cover expenses. All attempts will be made to travel as inexpensively as possible.

Copies of "Dreamus Aliveus" can be ordered ahead of time for $30 for hard copy binder or $10 for the electronic zip files.

Payments can be made through PayPal links on this page or at: ... credit cards are accepted. To send Money Orders or Checks, please contact John for mailing information.

*Note: Some people cannot afford the stated fees. If you are motivated to learn and grow through dreamwork, special exemptions may be made so you can "pay what you can."

John Hutchinson, M.Ed.
Denver, Colorado
Email Consultations, Questions, Comments, and Dream submissions:
Skype/phone consultations: please email for and with confidential information.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Dreamtime calendar dates...

Tuesday, May 14, 2013, I woke remembering the following dream...
I am in a large institutional cafeteria  and talking to several people. I decide to schedule a special dinner for our group or class for November 15th. I am looking for the person to talk with about scheduling the special celebration. As I am walking around I see a woman whom I know or have worked with before [have no clue who this is in waking life]. We talk and I ask her about who to talk with about the scheduling. She tells me that she wants to also schedule something for that day for her 'cause' and she thinks it's best not to schedule 2 things at the same time. I disagree and tell her that I see no reason that 2 things cannot be scheduled for the same time since the hall is big enough to handle both. I continue looking for the person to do he scheduling...
I have only had a few dreams with specific dates or numbers in the dream. Most of the time they are significant and I always look to the context of the dream for clues. In another dream, I was at a travel agent counter and received the information that the window for flying was the 15th... later, as I search the internet for good deals, as it turned out, the best half-price fare that was the most direct happened to be on the 15th of the month I was flying. I would have some time if I had gone directly to the dream date rather than spending a lot of time looking at many options.
So, what does this dream suggest? Well, it involves a larger group and a kind of celebration of our learning together... it may also combine with a specific 'cause' of some sort. I know if I have the opportunity or need to schedule something, since the date is 6 months away from this 'now,' that I will most likely make it for November 15th! We'll see hat emerges.
Happy Dreaming...

Expect the unexpected... and may Loving Kindness be our Guide... 
John Hutchinson  ~ Denver, Colorado 
Life Coach, Dream Guide, and Transition Consultant
"A Heart filled with Love is like a phoenix that no cage can hold." ~ Rumi 

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Jung and Fate...

I became aware of CG Jung, the Swiss doctor/psychiatrist in the 60s and studied him most extensively in the 70s during college and seminary days...
I have often used variations of this 'truth' that Jung states in my writing and dreamwork... "All that remains unconscious tends to control us in some way"... [my paraphrase]... One way our psyche tries to get messages to us ... past the defenses of our personal ego structure... is often through the messages contained in dreams... Dreams help to transform unconscious energies and dynamics into ones that are useful to our conscious awareness.
I continue to watch my dreams, record them, and learn from their messages and symbols... and also enjoy helping others become more conscious through shared dreamwork.
We are all on a path that can lead to growth. Part of that growth is becoming more aware of what controls us from within... Life's creative energy continues to flow through us... and sometimes gets uniquely twined around many unconscious stems... Dare we free that creative energy to flow more freely that me may mos fully express ourselves in the world? I pray it so....
With Love,

Expect the unexpected... and may Loving Kindness be our Guide... 
John Hutchinson  ~ Denver, Colorado 
Life Coach, Dream Guide, Organizational and Transition Consultant
 ----- BLOGS -----

Sundance Dream Hutch (blog):  
Sundance Center for Conscious Living Blog: 
Fusion13 Adventure Blog:
Sundance Wellness Hutch Blog:
"Our task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within ourselves that we have built against it."  ~ Rumi

-------------------Recommended Links----------------

"Dreamus Aliveus" - An eBook about our Dream Messages
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Free Trial to Eckhart Tolle TV
Explore your website names with free email 
Spiritual Singles Dating WebSite
Lunar Life Cycle Report by Philip Levine