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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Dreamtime calendar dates...

Tuesday, May 14, 2013, I woke remembering the following dream...
I am in a large institutional cafeteria  and talking to several people. I decide to schedule a special dinner for our group or class for November 15th. I am looking for the person to talk with about scheduling the special celebration. As I am walking around I see a woman whom I know or have worked with before [have no clue who this is in waking life]. We talk and I ask her about who to talk with about the scheduling. She tells me that she wants to also schedule something for that day for her 'cause' and she thinks it's best not to schedule 2 things at the same time. I disagree and tell her that I see no reason that 2 things cannot be scheduled for the same time since the hall is big enough to handle both. I continue looking for the person to do he scheduling...
I have only had a few dreams with specific dates or numbers in the dream. Most of the time they are significant and I always look to the context of the dream for clues. In another dream, I was at a travel agent counter and received the information that the window for flying was the 15th... later, as I search the internet for good deals, as it turned out, the best half-price fare that was the most direct happened to be on the 15th of the month I was flying. I would have some time if I had gone directly to the dream date rather than spending a lot of time looking at many options.
So, what does this dream suggest? Well, it involves a larger group and a kind of celebration of our learning together... it may also combine with a specific 'cause' of some sort. I know if I have the opportunity or need to schedule something, since the date is 6 months away from this 'now,' that I will most likely make it for November 15th! We'll see hat emerges.
Happy Dreaming...

Expect the unexpected... and may Loving Kindness be our Guide... 
John Hutchinson  ~ Denver, Colorado 
Life Coach, Dream Guide, and Transition Consultant
"A Heart filled with Love is like a phoenix that no cage can hold." ~ Rumi 