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Monday, November 26, 2012

"Retrieving Power"


Dreamtime, November 26, 2012: "Retrieving Power"
Here I am...driving my car to the side entrance to a large school or university. I pull off the driveway and park on the grass, wondering if I will get ticketed. It is the weekend and there is very little activity although there are a few other cars that park by the side entrance as well.
I go inside and there are a few people there and they seem to be preparing for some auction or sale of some kind. I seem to know the people I see, although do not totally recognize them... It seems like they may have been characters in past theater productions. I really do not interact with anyone but continue to look for something that I came for... I pick up at a small dagger looking object on at table full of things ... and discover it to have several blades and determine it to be some type of letter opener... 
Then I realize I have a large sword and am holding it by my side. I do not recall picking it up, yet it seems I found it when I came inside the school building... It seems it is mine and yet I am concerned that I will get caught with it and try to conceal it by my side and in back of my body. I am wearing the under maul of a medieval knight and have some type of robe on. I hold the sword behind the garments as a move toward the door. There is a very tall man there also and I am concerned he will see me taking the large sword. I move through the same door through which I entered and went to my car, quickly opening the trunk. Noticing the trunk area was as clean as a new vehicle, I placed the sword and another item, perhaps a sheath inside. I closed the trunk and got in my car and as I drove away, I had a sense of relief that I was able to retrieve the sword and yet thought about the building probably having security cameras so 'they' will be able to see that I took it.
I called this dreamtime journey, "Retrieving Power"... I am on a purposeful mission... and the activity has a bit of the Arthurian Legend in it.... even to the extend of sensing I am a sort of knight or person of "royalty" although the shining armour must be home in the closet... The sword feels like it is mine and yet there is a fear that I will be found out... This reflects my own sense of unease about being seen with 'my power' intact... How many times have I tried to conceal or hide the power and assertiveness that comes with the sword and with the mission? I have often refrained from saying or doing what seemed right and somewhere along the way even seemed to become separated from my 'power' of expression and assertiveness in this world.
Who are the "they" that I fear? There are some energies and forces that seem to do there best to relieve us of our sovereign power as children of the One Life Source... these entities and energies seem misguided and lost in their own drunkedness for gaining power over others rather than equal and harmonious power through all... I am reminded that power grounded in the rock of ages and Life Source that is within us is always greater than any temporal distractions and illusions.
So, I have retrieved the sacred power and am now back in my vehicle with my powerful companion on board... It is available and with me as I travel on...
Extending the dream journey, I visualize that I stop by the side of the road at a high viewing spot. I open the trunk and take the sword out and notice colorful jewels and gemstones in the handle... it appears to be quite heavy and yet when I pick it up it feels like a natural extension in my hand... There is a strong wind that blows as if cleansing my soul. As I look across the mountains and landscape, I feel the warmth of the sun shining down upon me... It is as if a new or renewed sense of direction and purpose has returned to my being... I do not need to know about tomorrow... I have the strength of this moment as if the sacred sword has integrated itself into my body and we have become one...
We will see how this energy manifests itself today and in the Nows to follow...
Blessings and Love to all...

So...Expect the unexpected... may Loving Kindness be our Guide... and welcome to NOW!
John Hutchinson - Denver, CO

!New!  Sundance Dream Hutch (blog):  
Sundance Center for Conscious Living Blog: 
Fusion13 Adventure Blog:
Sundance Wellness Hutch Blog:
"Our task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within ourselves that we have built against it." 
~ Rumi


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Monday, November 19, 2012

"Coming Together" - Nov-12-2012


Nov. 19, 2012:
"Coming Together"
Dream from last night...
I am talking with a group of people, men, women and children... and am sharing some info about a campaign/cause of some kind... then am surprised to see so many signing up to help out... as I look over the list I see there is a woman on the list from a previous time so it seems the list is from other times as well... I do not recognize who any of the people are and yet sense they are all in the same neighborhood as me... and I do not not what the "cause" is either that I am helping to organize...

So, it seems my higher self is letting me know that even though much remains unconscious, there is some purposeful organizational dynamics going on that I trust will become more conscious going forward... this may be all aspects of myself coming together in some kind of integrating manner...and it may be actual soul group work that is coming together and will be manifesting in 3D form in the near future.... perhaps our souls are connecting in other dimensions at this time...
Now...welcome back to know... Your reflections are welcome either through a comment or email to ...and you are invited to also share your dreams...

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Dream: "Figure in the Doorway"


Thanks for this dream shared by Linda on November 6, 2012:

"For many years I slept and never remembered my dreams. After receiving your newsletters and reading your blogs I started to pay attention to dreams. Sometimes I can recall a dream upon waking. I have resolved to write them down so I will remember more dreams. I wanted to write because I had a particularly vivid dream that stuck with me and I remember each detail.
"[The dream] started out that I was a cloud or mist of white light resting on top of a butte. All I saw in the dream was the butte with a couple of mountains beside it and I was the white light floating over the top of the butte like a cloud. 
"I knew the light was me - I recognized that it was me even though I was viewing the light as a third person. I then transformed from a white light to a deep purple light and floated or seeped down the sides of the butte covering the whole butte with purple light from the top to the bottom. 
"Abruptly, the light changed back to white light and I was at floor level (not on the butte anymore and instead in a room. I sensed the room more than saw it. I was a light floating near the floor in front of a door. A very bright light started shining through the door as I was looking at the door. Then a figure appeared in the doorway. The figure was more like a shadow figure as the light behind it made it hard to see any features. All I saw was the shape of a body against the bright light. 
"Then the dream ended abruptly. 
"I interpreted the dream in my own way. I knew that we are all spitirual beings and seeing myself as light (even if a foggy misty light) was me seeing myself as I truly exist. I felt a tremendous sense of peace and tranquility when I was just light. Then I interpreted the second part of the dream... which to me was a different dream... as a being or person will be entering ...coming through the door... or into my life. It could be a month or a year - but I will be meeting someone new. I have a feeling this person will play a big part in my life. It is not to be just an acquaintance. Any comments or thoughts on this dream?"
John's comments:

"Hi Linda.... Thanks for sharing your dream...
"Rewrite as if it were my[jh] dream... I'm realizing I am not a body but a vaporous cloud of white light energy in a level high space or plateau ...a spiritual being.... there is a sense of peace... and I'm aware of higher spaces well as the ground below...
"I am aware that I am the energy and also 'the observer'... Now I transition into purple healing energy and cover the whole 'butteeful' area down into lower areas... another sudden shift occurs and I am grounded and inside a specific defined space...inside a more confined area... I am still aware that I am light energy near the floor... and there is an opening and door and another bright energy blast of light that is shining through the opening... An entity is showing itself to me... without detail and more as just a silhouetted shape... and the shape was in the form of a human body...
"Of course, Linda, you are the final authority of what seems right as far as the meaning is concerned... and your interpretation seems quite right to me as well... I have had similar dreams in which I am being shown that we are spiritual energy beings... Your dream shows you the figure coming in with a human form... I would also consider this to be a emerging part of you that is taking form and entering in a very down-to-earth way.... on the floor of grounding... which may not be as sexy an interpretation as a new important person entering your life... AND if this does suggest a new and important part of you entering your jouney, that is quite exciting.... There is also the grounding of spirit coming into matter... the necessity of being on Earth at this time.... the dream is a nice picture of consciousness... you are associated or in the dream in the form of light and energy, and you are also aware that you are the observer (disassociated from the dream action)...
"So I always begin by seeing the dream aspects as part of my psyche... and also consider that there are possible connections outside of my individualized psyche ... since at one level we are all connected...
Further comments from Linda:

"Hi, John, thanks for your thoughts on my dream. I can see that it may be a new part of me emerging. In the past I had a very stong feeling of impending death. One of my spiritual friends told me that it was the death of the "old me" and the birth of the new me.
"I have had that particular experience twice and both times have experienced tremendous growth as a spiritual being soon afterwards. Maybe this new dream of the being in the doorway is also a way of telling me that I am in another period of spiritual growth or awareness. I certainly feel I am more connected to the very nature or core of existance lately. I don't mind if you use my dream... and feel free to use my first name. Sending you thoughts of gratitude and warmth.  Linda"

Many thinks to Linda for sharing her dream with us... John
Expect the unexpected... may Loving Kindness be our Guide... and welcome to NOW!
John Hutchinson - Denver, CO

!New! Sundance Dream Hutch (blog):
Sundance Center for Conscious Living Blog:
Fusion13 Adventure Blog:
Sundance Wellness Hutch Blog:
"Our task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within ourselves that we have built against it." ~ Rumi

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Monday, November 5, 2012

Welcome to all Dreamers!

And yes, we all do dream... And yes, dreams do matter... Plus, they are a fun way of self discovery and growth.

There are plenty of books, experts, videos, workshops, and articles that are available about dreams and their meaning. Always question and remember that you and you alone are the final authority on what is true for you. In workshops, I like to say, "Don't believe anything I say. If it seems right for you, that's fine... and if it doesn't fit for you, just leave in behind when you leave."

In dream groups and even in one on one sessions, I use a guideline that before I or anyone talks about another person's dream we preface what we say with: "If it were my dream..."  what this is intended to do is remind us that our thoughts and opinions about someone else's experienced dream is simply our projections onto his or her dream. The dreamer is always the one who decides if anything that is said actually makes sense or provides an 'aha' insight into the dream's message and meaning.

And why do dreams matter?

Well, if you are interested in self-growth and discovery, then dreams can be one more tool for your journey. Dreams provide a looking glass experience into the dynamics that are going on in our internal world, our psyche and soul. They can and do present us with information that may have been outside of our waking awareness, and can expand our consciousness in our everyday life in quite satisfying ways. There is so much more that dreams can provide for us.

Index of Introductory Articles on Dreamwork
Because there are many areas to explore about dreams, I have provided an index of topics and introductory articles that I've previously posted in other blogs... click here to view or go to:

I will also be adding a page of Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ], so if you have questions, submit them to me, John Hutchinson, at ... anything submitted may be used and published, anonymously, of course, unless you give permission to use your name.

Submitting Dreams
If you wish to submit your dream for my reflections and comments, please send it to ... the first one is a free consultation... Please include:
  • Name (Optional):
  • Date (Approximate date of the dream}:
  • Dream Title (Provide a brief title you would give the dream as if it was a movie.):
  • The Dream (Write out the dream in the present tense like it is happening now, including whatever details and feeling you recall.): 
Experience & Credentials
John has 40+ years experience dreaming and working and playing with dreams including formal training, working with Jungian analysts on his own dreams, doing lots of reading and research along with plenty of practical experience with individuals and groups, through email, phone, and in person sessions. John has a graduate degree in Counseling Psychology and works as a consultant, guide and life coach. In addition to seminary training, he is also an ordained interfaith minister through the Order of Melchizedek which was synchronistically initiated through a dream message. 

Happy dreaming! ... with Love and Light, John